Friends of the Earth UK has a network of over 200 local groups around the country, all working to improve our environment. The West Dorset group has campaigned for renewable energy, planting more trees, reducing the amount of plastic we produce.
Since 2020 we have been holding Zoom meetings, but we have moved into the public arena during the Great Big Green Week and on November 6th 2021, to give support for the delegates in Glasgow. Anyone is welcome at meetings and events. You can join our mailing list which will email you news of events locally, newsletters and occasional notes of unusual interest. We share edited petitions and general information on our facebook page:
We do have a membership (£5 annually per household unwaged, £10 waged) but you are not required to join to take part in events and actions. WD FoE is allied to other local groups: Transition Town Bridport, Dorset Community Energy, Food Matters, Plastic Free Bridport, Bridport Tree planting, and groups nearby in Lyme and Beaminster.