A prayer for Glasgow
On the 18th of September the mayor of Bridport, Ian Bark, read out the proclamation below. Approved by the Town Council, this aims to underscore the necessity that Glasgow is successful and points to the groundswell of public concern for our plight, locally and internationally.
COP 26 must be a success. Decarbonising the world must start now with emphatic steps. This realisation is what unifies us here today. We want our town, our county, and our country to hear: the road to zero must be embraced and acted upon by everyone.
We wish to proclaim that for one or two generations to usurp all wealth of the planet, leaving future generations in serious crisis is unconscionable. And today we wish to show our concern and love for those who come after us, including the living creatures who can’t speak for themselves.
We need to express our support for those who have contributed little to the accumulation of CO2 while the UK holds, historically, one of the largest fossil fuel footprints on the planet. We need to engage with countries and communities caught in the stranglehold of older, dirtier industries and together plan a route (through finance from the West) for a sustainable future. We can only do this while respecting the rights of people at home and abroad and by listening to them. We can’t attain carbon zero for some and not for others.
Glasgow, shine like a beacon, in this difficult world, as a way to a saner, sustainable future.